Zombie Crawl 2023
The Zombie Crawl is back for 2023! This year we’ll have vendors, music, and food all day beginning around 12 p.m. The parade starts at 6 pm! The official afterparty…
The Zombie Crawl is back for 2023! This year we’ll have vendors, music, and food all day beginning around 12 p.m. The parade starts at 6 pm! The official afterparty…
Halloween 2018 It’s Halloween 2018! Are you ready for falling leaves, bonfires, pumpkin spice, and trick or treats? The Halloween Season is upon us once again. Lately, I’ve been working on a…
The Steampunk Buddha is super excited to be among the other Living Dead at the Eureka Springs Zombie Invasion 2018 and the 2018 Eureka Springs Zombie Crawl….