Painting of My Cats, by Artist Rebecca Epp, Jan. 2022

Rebecca Epp

Painting of My Cats, by Artist Bex, Jan. 2022 

One of my favorite singers of all time, Meatloaf passed away today. I loved his voice and his deep theatrical performances and songs. My cat’s name is Robert Pawlson after Meatloaf’s character “Robert Paulson” in the movie “Fight Club”. I figured today of all days would be good to post a new blog about my newest painting of my cats since my cat Robert is in the painting.

I’ve been wanting to attempt to paint a cat. I have only been painting for about 2 years now. I decided, why not paint my two cats getting along? The black one, Kashi, is so mean to Robert. She’s always beating him up. Kashi is named after Akasha, Queen of the Damned, by the way.

I painted this with acrylic paints. This painting is 16 x 20 in size. It took me about 2 weeks to paint. Thanks for looking.

His name is Robert Pawlson

This is a painting that I did last year. The background of my cat painting shows this woman looking out the window. Copywrite The Steampunk Buddha ®

Painting of my cats, by Artist Rebecca Epp, at The Steampunk Buddha®. This image is copywritten under intellectual property. All rights reserved.

This shows my process from blank canvas to completed painting of my cats.

Kashi (Akasha Mekare)


Rebecca Epp is the owner and designer/artist at The Steampunk Buddha and makes custom handmade, Whimsical Steampunk Jewelry and Custom Artwork in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.