Downsizing … Some
Can you believe that it’s been almost 10 years since I started making jewelry? Neither can I. In those almost 10 years, I have never once taken time off from creating, taking photos, cropping photos, or making listings here on my website, on Etsy, and on Facebook. Constant promotions equal better sales. Right? Well, not really.
What it really boils down to is that I’m burnt out. In my mind, I constantly hear Forrest Gump saying he’s tired. I need to take a bit of a “creation break” for a bit. We have at least 3 in-person events coming soon and I just don’t have the energy to create more jewelry for those events plus keep the over 300 items on the site for people to browse and rarely buy.
I’m only one person.
So I’m going to be taking everything that is on our site to these events to start fresh. This site will no longer be as large as it was before. I just can’t work my actual job, make listings here daily, list them on Facebook, promote, make more jewelry for events and stores, have time for my husband, keep the house clean, have a social life, or friends, or time for myself and upkeep a 300-item average here, plus create good items the local stores in town (which I am also possibly going to be stopping soon as well 😪). It’s just too much.
So this site will be changing soon to focus more on the events we are at. You’ll still be able to purchase from us in person at events throughout the year, and I will still have a bit of inventory on our site. But instead of around 300 items….it will probably be more like 20-50 really awesome, specialty items. I will still post jewelry on the Facebook page and on my personal page for sale periodically so watch out for better, more exclusive stuff there. I appreciate all of my past and future customers. I thank you for your support. I’m not stopping…just taking a break.
I hope you all understand. Sometimes our mental and physical health is more important than anything else.